Within a few short years, solar energy has established itself as an additional source of income for many agricultural enterprises. With us you immediately talk to people with decision-making authority. What we say counts. We come to you and address your project together with you, in an uncomplicated and pragmatic manner.
You can erect a solar system on your agricultural buildings by yourself, operate it and sell the electricity, or simply lease out your roof. We have an appropriate solution for both versions.
Or do you need a new structure? Our “Construction Financing through Photovoltaics” concept allows your solar plant to pay off the new building to a great extent. Please contact us.
Captive use of solar power in agriculture
Particularly in agricultural enterprises, the demand for electricity over the course of the day often matches those periods in which a great deal of solar power is produced. As an alternative to the full feed-in of the solar power into the power grid, you therefore have the option of directly consuming the locally produced power yourself. In many instances this can be more cost-effective than the full feed-in.
Since the solar power you utilize yourself replaces the purchase of electricity from the grid in the same measure, the solar power plant generates savings in the amount of the power purchase costs avoided. In addition, the solar power that is not needed by the company is fed into the local power grid and according to the EEG, is paid for by the grid operator.
You generate your own power at low cost, while benefiting from having your investment generate a handsome yield.
- Your energy costs are immediately and sustainably reduced
- You can protect yourself from rising electricity prices
- You earn an attractive return on the capital you have invested
- You reduce your dependence on the large power companies
To assess the cost-efficiency of your captive use facility, PV² Energie conducts a detailed analysis of your individual situation – directly on site. What needs to be initially determined is the actual commodity price of the electricity to be replaced as charged by the power supplier. Then the issue arises as to the share of your captive use your company can attain, for the extent of the power cost savings depends on this. To this end, PV² Energie analyzes your individual load profile and determines additional technical parameters.
If, for example, you would primarily like to maximize your captive use rate and not accommodate as much photovoltaics as possible on your roof, we calculate the optimum sizing of your plant, so that a balance is struck between your generation capacity and energy requirements.
Moreover, there is the question of whether your captive use appears more attractive as compared to full feed-in. This is something that can also be determined with an analysis customized to your individual situation.
One thing is certain: The advantage of captive use increases in equal measure with every increase in the price of electricity. For with captive use, in addition to the special remuneration you always generate savings in the amount of the energy supply costs you have avoided.